Munny Tree Trade Alert: 7/17/2024

Closing 2 Positions for Good Profits

New Sell Alert

We are selling one of our positions today to capturing large gains. See the details below:

Ticker: SOFI

  • Name: SoFi Technologies

  • Sell Price Range: $7.80

  • Profit/Loss: 9.1% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: SOFI has been a roller coaster of a ride. The past week or so has seen the stock steadily increase. Now that we are up almost 10% we are selling to capture those gains.

Ticker: EXAS

We are selling the stock and closing our Bull Put Spread that we opened against our stock position.


  • Name: Exact Sciences Corporation

  • Sell Price Range: $49.6

  • Profit/Loss: 9.2% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: EXAS has performed well since we purchased it and with our put options spread we’ve been able to capitalize on it’s movements.


  • Name: Exact Sciences Corporation

  • Sell to Close: 7/19 Expiring Put @ $40 Strike = $0.03 (-$1.55 loss)

  • Buy to Close: 7/19 Expiring Put @ $50 Strike = $1.30 (+$7.45 gain)

  • Profit/Loss: 166.1% Gain

  • Why We are Closing: Our Bull Put Spread has just about maxed out its profit so it’s time to close it and take our profits.