Munny Tree Trade Alert: 7/15/2023

Selling a Position for Large Gains

New Sell Alert

We are selling one of our positions today to capturing large gains. See the details below:

Ticker: LEGN

  • Name: Legend Biotech

  • Sell Price Range: $57.07 +/- (Limit order)

  • Profit/Loss:  25.0% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: It is reported that LEGN is in acquisition talks currently which caused the stock to spike up on Friday (last week) afternoon. We were already up about 8% on this position and this caused a big gain. We have placed a limit order at $57.07 to capture 25% gains once the stock hits that price (assuming it does). If it does not hit this price today we will send out a new alert to either sell at market price or adjust our strategy.

We see potential in 2 new positions. See the details below: