Munny Tree Trade Alert: 7/12/2024

Selling 2 Positions

New Sell Alert

We are selling 2 of our positions today to capturing large gains. See the details below:

Ticker: XPEV

  • Name: XPeng Inc

  • Sell Price Range: $9.00+ (our sales price $9.09)

  • Profit/Loss:  15% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: XPEV has been quite the roller coaster since we bought it. Initially falling over 5% but this week has seen a strong recovery. We can capture 15% gains on the position

Ticker: BEAM

  • Name: Beam Therapeutics

  • Sell Price Range: $26.85+ (our sales price $27.00)

  • Profit/Loss:  6.5% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: BEAM was part of our healthcare play last month that quickly fell apart. In July it’s been recovering and we are now positive so want to capture those gains.