Munny Tree Trade Alert: 6/25/24

New Buy & Management Positions

New Buy Alert

We are adding one new position to our portfolio. See the details below:

Ticker: XPEV

Name: XPeng Inc

Entry Price Range: under $8.00 (our entry price was $7.89)

Portfolio Allocation: 7% of our portfolio is allocated to this position

  • As a reminder, we allocate our positions evenly. We currently have 14 positions so XPEV is 7%. If we add more positions, this will become diluted to a smaller portion of the portfolio

Why we like it:

  • Momentum Swinging up: The past few days have seen momentum swing up for the stock and we think there is room for it to run.

  • Analysts Love It: It is maintained as a ‘Buy’ or ‘Strong Buy’ from virtually every analyst tracking the stock. It has a 1 year price target that is 25% above its current price and we see it hitting that sooner rather than later

New Position Management

Ticker: INSP

Name: Inspire Medical Systems

Management Type: Bull Put Spread

Disclaimer: Best to have 50+ shares of INSP to do this. Buy/Sell 1 option for every 100 shares (rounded up)

  • Buy a $130 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration

  • Sell a $160 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration

What this provides us:

Dramatically lowers our break even point and accelerates our profits as/if the stock goes back up.

Why do this? INSP was on it’s way up last week and all was looking good. Then on Friday, Lilly (pharma company) put out a study that Ozempic helps with sleep apnea, which is a condition that Inspire Medical has products for, and the stock fell off a cliff on Friday. Ozempic is not approved for sleep apnea and probably won’t be anytime really soon so this was just a knee jerk reaction to news. We think it should go back up to some degree but want to lower our break even point so we can recover our losses and hopefully get some gains easier

Ticker: NXT

Name: Nextracker

Management Type: Protective Put

Disclaimer: Best to have 100+ shares of NXT to do this. Buy/Sell 1 option for every 100 shares (rounded up)

  • Buy a $50 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration

What this provides us:

Gives us a floor for our losses that is only slightly lower than where we are at right now (down 14% in 2 days). It raises our break even by a 2% but gives us protection from further losses

Why do this? The past week for NXT has been a one-way trip down. We want to give ourselves a floor of losses so that we can give the position time to recover a bit.

Ticker: EXAS

Name: Exact Sciences

Management Type: Bull Put Spread

Disclaimer: Best to have 50+ shares of EXAS to do this. Buy/Sell 1 option for every 100 shares (rounded up)

  • Buy a $40 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration

  • Sell a $50 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration

What this provides us:

Dramatically lowers our break even point and accelerates our profits as/if the stock goes back up.

Why do this? EXAS was on it’s way up last week and all was looking good. We think it should go back up to some degree but want to lower our break even point so we can recover our losses and hopefully get some gains easier. It’s bouncing off of its 52 week low and we think that should be a level of resistance that helps the stock go back up. With a lower break even we should hopefully capture some profits