Munny Tree Trade Alert: 6/21/24

Closing 1 Position

New Sell Alert

We are closing one of our positions + the options collar associated with it today to capturing our gains. See the details below:

Ticker: MBLY

  • Name: Mobileye Global

  • Sell Price Range: $26.35 or close

    • Close the collar spread:

      • Sell the Put option(s) = $4.60 is our price

      • Buy to close Call option(s) = $0.03

    • Note — the price you sell the stock and options at are less important than making sure to close them back-to-back. The prices of the stock and options will cancel each other out as long as they are closed very closely together.

  • Profit/Loss:  2.6% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: Our collar options spread expires today. We could leave everything alone and the put option will be exercised which will sell our stock at $31 and the call option will expire worthless. But by closing things out we make sure there is no question about our gains.