Munny Tree Trade Alert: 6/20/24

Managing 2 of our Positions

New Position Management

Ticker: KYMR

Name: Kymera Therapeutics

Management Type: Collar Strategy

Disclaimer: Best to have 100 shares of KYMR to do this. Buy/Sell 1 option for every 100 shares

  • Buy a $30 strike Put option for 7/19 expiration (our price $2.80 per contract)

  • Sell a $40 strike Call option for 7/19 expiration (our price $2.50 per contract)

What this provides us:

We are currently down (as of this writing) 17.4% on this position. This provides us with downside protection, so we won’t lose much more capital but still have upside potential over the next few weeks.

Why do this? We are down 17%. This makes our max loss is 20%, so we can only lose 3% more on the position. This gives us time to see if the stock recovers. For this limited loss our break-even goes up 1% to $37.70 but we feel this is a small price to pay for the protection we gain and upside potential over time.

Ticker: SOFI

Name: SoFi Technologies

Management Type: Collar Strategy

Disclaimer: Best to have 100 shares of SOFI to do this. Buy/Sell 1 option for every 100 shares

  • Buy a $6.50 strike Put option for 7/5 expiration (our price $0.32 per contract)

  • Sell a $8.00 strike Call option for 7/5 expiration (our price $0.03 per contract)

What this provides us:

We are currently down (as of this writing) 11.6% on this position. This provides us with downside protection, so we won’t lose much more capital but still have upside potential over the next few weeks.

Why do this? We are down 11.6%. This makes our max loss is 12%. So with this strategy we are essentially at our max loss already so the only direction our position can go is up. This allows us to wait-and-see without any risk.