Munny Tree Trade Alert: 6/04/24

New Buy Positions & a Sell Alert

New Sell Alert

We are selling one of our positions today to capturing large gains. See the details below:

Ticker: NEOG

  • Name: Neogen Corporation

  • Sell Price Range: $15.50

  • Profit/Loss:  23.8% Gain

  • Why We are Selling: NEOG is on a tear today, up 13% alone. While there might be more upside over the coming days/weeks, we feel capturing our 23%+ gain is prudent as we don’t want to lose the momentum.

New Buy Alert

We see potential in 2 new positions. See the details below:

Ticker: FOUR

Name: Shift4 Payments Inc

Entry Price Range: under $70.50 (our entry price was $69.95)

Portfolio Allocation: 7% of our portfolio is allocated to this position

  • As a reminder, we allocate our positions evenly. We currently have 13 positions so FOUR is 7%. If we add more positions, this will become diluted to a smaller portion of the portfolio

Why we like it:

  • Momentum Swinging up: The past few days have seen momentum swing up for the stock and we think there is room for it to run.

  • Analysts Love It: It is maintained as a ‘Buy’ or ‘Strong Buy’ from virtually every analyst tracking the stock. It has a 1 year price target that is 21% above its current price and we see it hitting that sooner rather than later

Ticker: ACHC

Name: Acadia Healthcare Co.

Entry Price Range: under $70.50 (our entry price was $69.75)

Portfolio Allocation: 7% of our portfolio is allocated to this position

  • As a reminder, we allocate our positions evenly. We currently have 13 positions so ACHC is 7%. If we add more positions, this will become diluted to a smaller portion of the portfolio

Why we like it:

  • Momentum Swinging up: The past few days have seen momentum swing up for the stock and we think there is room for it to run.

  • Analysts Love It: It is maintained as a ‘Buy’ or ‘Strong Buy’ from virtually every analyst tracking the stock. It has a 1 year price target that is 28%. We see a 10% gain potential quickly with potential room to run