Munny Tree Trade Alert: 6/04/24

Selling 3 positions

New Sell Alert

We are selling three of our positions today to cut our losses. See the details below:

Ticker: TAL

  • Name: TAL Education Group

  • Sell Price Range: $11.05

  • Profit/Loss: -13.2% Loss

  • Why We are Selling: TAL has never recovered its momentum and cutting our losses now allows us to move money into positions with more opportunities

Ticker: NYCB

  • Name: New York Community Bank

  • Sell Price Range: $3.20

  • Profit/Loss: -18.8% Loss

  • Why We are Selling: Unfortunately this was a position that should have ended positive but we missed our opportunity in the middle of May and then it fell off a cliff in a single day and never recovered. Lesson learned

Ticker: TXG

  • Name: 10x Genomics

  • Sell Price Range: $21.60

  • Profit/Loss: -6.2% Loss

  • Why We are Selling: TXG has never recovered its momentum and cutting our losses now allows us to move money into positions with more opportunities